VARIETY: The book was used as inspiration for the set design of the Apple TV series Shrinking. The production designer Cabot McMullen breaks down the ideas behind the offices including Paul's, the psychoanalyst played by Harrison Ford. “We saw him as a bit of an enigma, and so we referenced (the book) ‘Fifty Shrinks.’ “It’s about New York therapists and the commentary that each therapist gives about the choices that they made in their offices. (The book) was fascinating, some are very intentional and some are not. Others are meant to misdirect the patient into a zone where they’re more accessible. > full article

IMDB: The production designer Cabot McMullen about using the book: “ ‘Fifty Shrinks’ book inspired the therapy offices in Apple TV+’s ‘Shrinking’ The therapy offices where Jimmy, Paul (Harrison Ford), and Gaby (Jessica Williams) work were designed on a sound stage. McMullen collaborated with the actors on each office’s design to capture character-driven representation. They achieved this through artwork, books, color palettes, and desktop details like Gaby’s lamp scrunchies. “The cast were each valuable partners in helping us fine-tune the look of their individual offices,” McMullen tells Showbiz via email. “We started out referencing the photo book Fifty Shrinks, which helped us understand what drives a therapist’s choices when creating their office.” McMullen says most of the time, therapy offices are meant to “provoke a response in the patient.” > full article

THE NEW YORK TIMES:  "Here’s something you rarely see: New York psychotherapists in their offices in August. It took Sebastian Zimmermann, a psychiatrist on the Upper West Side, 13 years to produce FIFTY SHRINKS, a book of portraits depicting “therapists in their natural habitats.” Dr. Zimmermann, who began studying photography as an outlet to counterbalance all the trauma and drama he was taking in as a therapist, said he was struck by the diversity of spaces in which his colleagues worked."  > full article

NEW YORK POST: > full article

THE HUFFINGTON POST ARTS & CULTURE: "It didn't take long before psychiatrist Sebastian Zimmerman noticed a paradox within his particular profession. Although he worked with a wide variety of people, in theory, so much of his day was spent in isolation, holed up in his own office away from the world. This strange realization came to be the motivation behind Zimmerman's interest in photography, a vehicle through which he could access the spaces outside of the therapist's room.And yet it is the office itself that became Zimmerman's muse."  > full article

DAILY MAIL, UK: > full article




THE PARIS REVIEW: > full article

FREUD MUSEUM book presentation, VIENNA: > link

LENSCRATCH: > full article 


20MINUTOS.SE MAGAZINE:  >  full article

FEATURE IN DUZY FORMAT, POLAND: Slide show > full article